Makeda Jackson

Makeda Jackson has worked as a credit professional with the team for the last few years. Her goal is to continue the fight for everyone to have a fair, and accurate credit profile and for a chance at a better quality life. Her biggest achievement comes with the success of the hundreds of credit advisors that she has had the pleasure of educating. Her commitment to integrity and valuable service is extended out to both customers and to the people in her own team. Outside of work, Makeda loves to do outdoor activities, spend time with her family, and volunteer with her team for charity events.

What is loan shark? How to avoid illegal lenders

A loan shark is an illegal, high-interest lender that uses threats to collect debt. This article discusses how to protect…

1 year ago

Types of credit: What they are and how they affect your score

What types of credit are there? Installment credit, revolving credit and open credit are the three main types. Learn more…

2 years ago

How to cancel credit card safely (in five steps)

Need to know how to cancel a credit card? First, consider the effects it may have on your credit. Then,…

2 years ago